It Begins
Why am I starting this blog, you ask? It's a legitimate question, and I confess I don't know the answer. I've always been a private person, and this action runs counter to my personality and thinking. Yet, here I am.
Lately, I've found myself with few friends outside of my own house. I used to be active in a web community, but for many reasons I find myself there less often of late. That interaction used to be an outlet for my creativity and a place to sound off. I guess I miss it. I suppose there are a couple of other reasons gnawing at the back of my mind as well. For one, I have read incredibly detailed accounts of other peoples' childhoods. Strangely, I remember relatively little of my childhood. There are flashes here and there, but they're few and far between. Sometimes when I sit and start to type, the memories come back. I hope that works here. You never know, it might come in handy for my kids to have this stuff I've spewed out available here.
I once offended a new acquaintance by suggesting that blogs are a somewhat self-indulgent means of communication. I'll stand by that assessment, but I think I might be ready for that sort of self-indulgence. We'll see.
I'm not a writer by any stretch of the imagination. I'm fairly good with the spelling, but clumsy with the assembly of sentences 'n' stuff. If you're going to be bothered by that you might want to direct your attention elsewhere. But, I've been told I have a decent sense of humor. I hope some of that surfaces here on occasion. I know there are going to be the usual petty gripes found on so many blogs. I'm also afraid there might be a few heavy moments.
So, thanks for stopping by. Pull up a chair. Have a read. Leave a comment. Welcome.
Lately, I've found myself with few friends outside of my own house. I used to be active in a web community, but for many reasons I find myself there less often of late. That interaction used to be an outlet for my creativity and a place to sound off. I guess I miss it. I suppose there are a couple of other reasons gnawing at the back of my mind as well. For one, I have read incredibly detailed accounts of other peoples' childhoods. Strangely, I remember relatively little of my childhood. There are flashes here and there, but they're few and far between. Sometimes when I sit and start to type, the memories come back. I hope that works here. You never know, it might come in handy for my kids to have this stuff I've spewed out available here.
I once offended a new acquaintance by suggesting that blogs are a somewhat self-indulgent means of communication. I'll stand by that assessment, but I think I might be ready for that sort of self-indulgence. We'll see.
I'm not a writer by any stretch of the imagination. I'm fairly good with the spelling, but clumsy with the assembly of sentences 'n' stuff. If you're going to be bothered by that you might want to direct your attention elsewhere. But, I've been told I have a decent sense of humor. I hope some of that surfaces here on occasion. I know there are going to be the usual petty gripes found on so many blogs. I'm also afraid there might be a few heavy moments.
So, thanks for stopping by. Pull up a chair. Have a read. Leave a comment. Welcome.
Yay!! FINALLY, man!! Welcome to blogging!
An Urban Femme, at Fri Jul 21, 10:02:00 AM
Late to the game, but yeah, totally self-indulgent. And your point is what?
Enjoying your writing. I'll be back often.
bhd, at Thu Aug 31, 01:14:00 AM
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