A Work of Fiction, By Request.
Say you're home from college one summer, and you're bored out of your skull. You get together with a couple of friends, also bored, and one of them is old enough to buy some beer.
Wouldn't it be fun if you got a bunch of beer and some cheap, nasty cigars and took them out into the boonies (the middle of the reservation, say)?
You could find a lonely little two-track dirt road and just follow it until it ends in a wash. Just by chance, there might be a wrecked car that had driven into the wash.
You could pop open a couple of beers and light a small fire. You could drink the beers and puff away on the cigars. As you get further and further into the beers you might think it a good idea to start beating on the wrecked car with a big stick. Later, after even more beers, it might even seem a good idea to throw the stick through the windshield and take a leak on the front seats of the car.
After all of this entertainment, you wait a while and then drive home.
Wouldn't it be weird to see the newspaper the next morning that some guy you barely knew had killed some other guy you barely knew? Wouldn't it be even weirder if the killer had dumped the body out in the middle of the reservation? Wouldn't it be weirder yet if the newspaper article mentioned that he had wrecked a car and walked into town. Wouldn't it be hilarious if they said that the car had later been vandalized?
Wouldn't it just beat all if you had been drinking and carrying on 50 feet from a dead body hadn't even known it?
Wouldn't it be fun if you got a bunch of beer and some cheap, nasty cigars and took them out into the boonies (the middle of the reservation, say)?
You could find a lonely little two-track dirt road and just follow it until it ends in a wash. Just by chance, there might be a wrecked car that had driven into the wash.
You could pop open a couple of beers and light a small fire. You could drink the beers and puff away on the cigars. As you get further and further into the beers you might think it a good idea to start beating on the wrecked car with a big stick. Later, after even more beers, it might even seem a good idea to throw the stick through the windshield and take a leak on the front seats of the car.
After all of this entertainment, you wait a while and then drive home.
Wouldn't it be weird to see the newspaper the next morning that some guy you barely knew had killed some other guy you barely knew? Wouldn't it be even weirder if the killer had dumped the body out in the middle of the reservation? Wouldn't it be weirder yet if the newspaper article mentioned that he had wrecked a car and walked into town. Wouldn't it be hilarious if they said that the car had later been vandalized?
Wouldn't it just beat all if you had been drinking and carrying on 50 feet from a dead body hadn't even known it?
This explains a lot, actually.
Anonymous, at Wed Jul 26, 01:41:00 PM
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