Conversation from Saturday afternoon:
me: Did Weightlifterguy get rid of his hot tub?
hiccup: Yeah, I saw the guys from the spa store loading it on a truck yesterday.
me: *looks out window* Holy crap - he's moving or something!
hiccup: Maybe he's just getting rid of some junk.
me: No, he just drove by with his barbecue grill in the back of the truck!
hiccup: Oh, yeah - that's serious!
We're still not sure what's going on next door, but things have been conspicuously quiet over there for the last week. We've seen Weightlifterguy taking his snowmobile trailer back and forth, and he's only got one vehicle sitting in the street (a significant reduction from the 6 (!) he's had parked there in the past). The barbecue grill being gone is a big flag, though. This dude named his dogs Sirloin and Porterhouse.
We've started the fall preparation early this year. We managed to get a BLM firewood permit for one of the wilderness areas about 25 miles from here. This is the first year we've been able to score one of these permits. We went up to get a truckload yesterday, and had some major technical difficulties with my chainsaw. We have to have our 2 cords cut and loaded by the 18th, so I'll be back at it later this week.
We had a fairly good thunderstorm yesterday afternoon. We got about .6" of rain in about an hour, and the new roof didn't leak. So - YAY US!
me: Did Weightlifterguy get rid of his hot tub?
hiccup: Yeah, I saw the guys from the spa store loading it on a truck yesterday.
me: *looks out window* Holy crap - he's moving or something!
hiccup: Maybe he's just getting rid of some junk.
me: No, he just drove by with his barbecue grill in the back of the truck!
hiccup: Oh, yeah - that's serious!
We're still not sure what's going on next door, but things have been conspicuously quiet over there for the last week. We've seen Weightlifterguy taking his snowmobile trailer back and forth, and he's only got one vehicle sitting in the street (a significant reduction from the 6 (!) he's had parked there in the past). The barbecue grill being gone is a big flag, though. This dude named his dogs Sirloin and Porterhouse.
We've started the fall preparation early this year. We managed to get a BLM firewood permit for one of the wilderness areas about 25 miles from here. This is the first year we've been able to score one of these permits. We went up to get a truckload yesterday, and had some major technical difficulties with my chainsaw. We have to have our 2 cords cut and loaded by the 18th, so I'll be back at it later this week.
We had a fairly good thunderstorm yesterday afternoon. We got about .6" of rain in about an hour, and the new roof didn't leak. So - YAY US!
Maybe Weightlifterguy saw your earlier post about hell in a handbasket and now his feelings are hurt so he's moving out.
Hmmm...so I wonder if Mrs. Weightlifterguy is moving too? Curiouser and curiouser.
This calls for a celebration in any event, I'm thinkin'
That and the non-leaking roof! :)
Beanie, at Mon Jul 09, 09:47:00 AM
New roof is good, new roof is wise. Well done!
bhd, at Mon Jul 09, 09:54:00 AM
Beanbeanie - Mrs. Weightlifterguy effectively moved out a couple of months ago. We had a surreal conversation with Weightlifterguy last month that went like "This is my girlfriend. Mrs Weightlifterguy and I are having troubles."
Anyhoo, it was really only a matter of time.
bhd - Roof is both good and wise, and from drippage. I love that part.
ptooey, at Mon Jul 09, 01:18:00 PM
Gosh; you know, I'm not being thorough enough in my reading of the Weightlifterguy saga. Of course you mentioned the untimely exit of Mrs. Weightlifterguy.
So if Mr. Weightlifterguy is now leaving, is he selling the house? Or is it now in the hands of the screeching sister and nephew?
Hmm...strange things are afoot at the Circle K
Beanie, at Mon Jul 09, 01:33:00 PM
Its all good news!!! So you think Weightlifter girlfriend has porterhouse and sirloin at her place? and the grill?
and hallafreakinlujah for the roof repair guy! :hands him a beer:
Mermaid Melanie, at Thu Jul 12, 05:25:00 PM
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