ptooey, he said...

Friday, May 04, 2007

A Lesson in Tact, From hiccup

hiccup has been doing quite a lot of volunteer work for our daughters' schools this year. She's been on several committees at C's, including one to help hire a new principal.

That committee had a meeting this morning, and she ran into a shamelessly self-promotional witch of a woman who is on another committee with her. A conversation took place in which the she-devil mentioned how she had started her own business, volunteers time pretty much everywhere, has found a cure for death, and in her spare time she likes to let everyone on earth know just exactly how wonderful she is.

The reactions of some people to hiccup's being a stay-at-home mom have become a steady source of irritation for her over the last 7 years, and when it came up this time, I think she may have hit upon the perfect response:

Wonder Woman: "So, do you work?"
hiccup: "I stay home with the kids."
Wonder Woman: "And does that make you happy?"
hiccup: "I am positively giddy."


  • I like it. Very much. Good one, hiccup! *high-five*

    Then again, an "I'm not nearly as bitchy and worn-looking as you, so you tell me" would have worked nicely too.

    Not tactful though, huh. Damn. No wonder I don't have any friend.

    By Blogger bhd, at Fri May 04, 11:39:00 AM  

  • Your response is a lot like mine would have been, except I probably would have thrown in a good dose of profanity. Ditto on the friends thing.

    By Blogger ptooey, at Mon May 07, 08:37:00 AM  

  • She also could preface that with

    Well, seeing as the Congressional Budget Office just set the US standard wage for the job at $138,000, I'm positively giddy.

    And I love you both, thereby blowing the hell out of that theory.

    By Blogger Beanie, at Mon May 07, 10:21:00 AM  

  • I wish I could be a stay at home mom. Excellent response. You guys rock.

    Hey beanie, what if you do the job of two parents? damn, I am missing out on some major bucks...

    By Blogger Mermaid Melanie, at Mon May 07, 12:56:00 PM  

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