Or Maybe it's the Tremendous Body Odor
I would estimate that at least one third of the times that we make plans to get together with friends, they end up cancelling and backing out on us. We'll arrange something, then they'll remember a previous engagement or something else will come up or whatever.
I wouldn't feel bad if it were just one set of acquaintances doing this, but it seems to be the same for anyone we hang out with.
I mean, hell, if we're that annoying just don't agree to the plans in the first place. It would save us a lot of planning and headaches. Often, it even costs us money, and that's annoying.
I can take this several ways, I guess. A.) Folks are secure enough with our friendship to feel that we won't be bothered by it. B.) We are doormats. C.) Our friends (or relatives, as the case may be) are inconsiderate jerks. D.) We are the lowest on the friendship totem pole E.) All of the above.
Well, it happened again. Bah. Hanging out at the house and watching a movie sounds like fun anyway.
I wouldn't feel bad if it were just one set of acquaintances doing this, but it seems to be the same for anyone we hang out with.
I mean, hell, if we're that annoying just don't agree to the plans in the first place. It would save us a lot of planning and headaches. Often, it even costs us money, and that's annoying.
I can take this several ways, I guess. A.) Folks are secure enough with our friendship to feel that we won't be bothered by it. B.) We are doormats. C.) Our friends (or relatives, as the case may be) are inconsiderate jerks. D.) We are the lowest on the friendship totem pole E.) All of the above.
Well, it happened again. Bah. Hanging out at the house and watching a movie sounds like fun anyway.
...It's because you won't "swing" with the neighbors.
P.S. Happy Birthday!
Beanie, at Sun Mar 11, 10:52:00 AM
I go through that with some of my friends at times too. I'm beginning to think that these "friends" of mine are figments of my imagination. :lol:
Their loss. I have no problem staying home and watching the movies no one else wants to see with me and cooking myself a delicious dinner.
newwavegurly, at Sun Mar 11, 11:52:00 AM
Are you not a Swinger?
ah..just kidding..
Nice blog, and Happy Birthday
Mississippi Songbird, at Mon Mar 12, 06:33:00 PM
beanie - You're evil. ;) And thanks.
NWG - I guess it just bothers me because I very, very rarely back out on a commitment. It seems rude to me. But, truth be told, I usually prefer dinner/movie at home. Less complicated, if nothing else.
songbird - You'd have to backscroll for the full story. Right around New Year's should do the trick.
But thanks! And thanks for stopping by!
ptooey, at Tue Mar 13, 11:27:00 AM
Why don't you and the family come up for a visit?
Really. And, maybe we can get Xeric and Mrs. X to meet us ALL in Red Lodge for pizza and 25 cent pony rides!
Happy belated birthday!
Justine's HouseWreck, at Sat Mar 17, 09:32:00 PM
Justine - The invite is much appreciated. As it turns out, our schedule this spring is a bit redonculous, though. N is coaching A's soccer team, C is also playing, so our weekends are full for the duration. I don't know where the time goes.
Hope you and the fambly are well!
ptooey, at Mon Mar 19, 10:02:00 AM
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