Lamest. Excuse. Ever.
I often have trouble sleeping. Last night's sleep was awful, but the reason is novel, at least.
I received my spiffy new homebrew keg system last week, and Saturday afternoon was spent boiling wort for a new batch to fill the keg with. I'm making a triple-hopped ale. I finished the boil, put it in the fermenter, and placed the fermenter in the shower in our master bathroom. I like to use the shower for fermenting because the temperature stays pretty steady, it's out of the light for the most part, and if there is a spillover, it just goes right down the drain. I was a little worried when I checked on it yesterday morning, because there was no indication of fermentation. My fears, as it would turn out, were completely unfounded.
Yesterday afternoon, I peeked in on the beer again. Fermentation had started up in a big way. I've never had a batch of beer ferment this vigorously. The foam blew the top of the airlock off, and you could actually hear it fizzing and burping.
Last night, I noticed that I could hear the beer foaming away while I was lying in bed. That's right...I couldn't sleep because the beer was too noisy. Stupid noisy beer.
I received my spiffy new homebrew keg system last week, and Saturday afternoon was spent boiling wort for a new batch to fill the keg with. I'm making a triple-hopped ale. I finished the boil, put it in the fermenter, and placed the fermenter in the shower in our master bathroom. I like to use the shower for fermenting because the temperature stays pretty steady, it's out of the light for the most part, and if there is a spillover, it just goes right down the drain. I was a little worried when I checked on it yesterday morning, because there was no indication of fermentation. My fears, as it would turn out, were completely unfounded.
Yesterday afternoon, I peeked in on the beer again. Fermentation had started up in a big way. I've never had a batch of beer ferment this vigorously. The foam blew the top of the airlock off, and you could actually hear it fizzing and burping.
Last night, I noticed that I could hear the beer foaming away while I was lying in bed. That's right...I couldn't sleep because the beer was too noisy. Stupid noisy beer.
Dear Boss,
I want to apologize to you again for falling asleep during that very important financial presentation this afternoon. I realise this is no excuse, sir, but I'm I am afraid I have not slept well lately.
You see, I have this keg of wort in my bathtub....
Double, double toil and trouble;
Lager burp and pilsner bubble.
Beanie, at Mon Mar 19, 10:53:00 AM
Might I suggest a nice set of earplugs.
bhd, at Mon Mar 19, 11:51:00 AM
beanie - see, that's exactly the type of scenario I keep mulling over. "I'm sorry, but the beer kept me awake all night." What a switch.
bhd - trouble is, I have to get up when the alarm goes off.
ptooey, at Mon Mar 19, 02:36:00 PM
giggles. this is quite unique. thanks for sharing. wish i could have some of the final product.
Mermaid Melanie, at Tue Mar 20, 11:35:00 AM
oh and shut the door. :wink:
Mermaid Melanie, at Tue Mar 20, 11:40:00 AM
Mooom! Turn down the beer!! I can't sleep!! It's all fizzy in my ears! Mooooom??
ResearchGuy®, at Wed Mar 21, 09:07:00 AM
Mel - Regarding closing the door: Thanks for the vote of confidence in my intelligence! LOL The door was shut. Have I mentioned that the furnace kicking on will also wake me up? Yeah, it's that bad. I guess I'm a hyper-alert sleeper.
RG®-If only noisy beer came with a volume control.
ptooey, at Wed Mar 21, 10:17:00 AM
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