ptooey, he said...

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Five Songs

I've been told (however indirectly) to consider myself tagged for the following meme. Okay, here goes.

List five songs that, when you hear them now, transport you back to a specific place and time. You can explain why, or not.

James - Sometimes - Summer of 1994, driving in the red Subaru station wagon across Nebraska with my dog and the woman who would become my wife. It's hotter than the hubs of hell, but we're happy.

The Cure - entire Disintegration album - Bending the rules a bit, but I've always thought of this as one piece of music. It's a true album, and not just a collection of songs. Anyway, it will always remind me of the basement of a little house on Mary Anne Drive - and the girl with the sparkling green eyes and mischievous grin.

Fleetwood Mac - Blue Letter - Riding in the backseat of my parents' Volvo as a kid.

Bob Dylan - Forever Young - September of 2001. The beginning of what would become the most painful period in my life, and the day we watched my brother's casket lowered into the ground. I still love the song, but it hurts a bit, too.

Creed - Higher - Sure, yuk it up you jerks. This was playing on the radio when I drove my wife to the hospital the night our oldest daughter was born. Whatever stigma you want to attach to the tune, it makes me happy every single time I hear it.

Wow. Limiting it to five songs is hard.

There. Now whoever wants to be tagged is tagged by me. Hah.


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