Me Me Me Me Meme
I was tagged for this one by Beanie over at All Frayed Edges and Shades of Red a while ago, and I just haven't had time to put anything together since then. I'll give it a whirl, though. Anyhoo, the game is "seven random things about me."
1.I can eat 50 boiled eggs.
I can have a problem with people in positions of authority. I think a lot of it stems from a series of incidents when I was in elementary school and junior high where I was wronged by teachers and coaches. I try not to let it get the better of me, but sometimes I fail. Sometimes I fail miserably.
2.I am a golden god.
Today is my sister's birthday. I should probably call her or send her a card or something, but I'm not going to. It has also been almost exactly 2 years since I last spoke to her. Even more scandalous than that? I don't think I really care.
3.My hovercraft is full of eels.
I can sometimes take frugality to the point of insanity. I will literally spend more money trying to fix something myself than it would cost to replace it. I guess I just like to have the sense of accomplishment, and that can be worth the extra trouble and expense to me.
4.I have a friend I've never seen. He hides his head inside a dream.
I have way too many shoes and way too many jackets. When I was little, I had a light jacket, a winter jacket, dress shoes and sneakers. I don't know if I felt that wasn't enough, but I am compelled to buy way more shoes and jackets than I actually need.
5.I'm a doctor, not a bricklayer.
One of the only things that I sort of resent about parenthood is the lack of time I have for things that I used to enjoy. I used to have hobbies. Since C was born, my guitar sits gathering dust, I'm lucky to brew 2 or 3 batches of beer per year and I barely take photos of anything but the kids. I realize that the children have sort of become my hobby now, and I love them dearly, but sometimes I miss the things that I used to enjoy doing just for me.
6.When I think about you, I touch myself.
I have officially worn out a treadmill. I hear lots of stories about people whose exercise equipment sits gathering dust. Last week, I literally ran through the deck of ours. If anyone asks how many miles you can get out of a Nordic Track C2000 treadmill, I'd guess it's in the neighborhood of 2360, give or take. Yup. The deck split right in half a mile and a half into my run last Wednesday.
7.I'm a xenophobic tapiocaphobe and a claustrophobic agoraphobe.
Sometimes I envy people who have aspirations. To clarify, I have NEVER known what I want to be when I grow up. I never had a direction. I never really had goals. When people used to ask what I wanted to be, I replied "Happy." I've got that, but I wonder what it would be like to actually have a clear path in mind, something that I felt I must achieve.
There. That was relatively painless. The other part of this meme is to tag seven people, but I'm not sure I know seven people who haven't already done this, so we'll just pretend that wasn't part of the game. Thanks, Beanie. That was kinda fun!
I can have a problem with people in positions of authority. I think a lot of it stems from a series of incidents when I was in elementary school and junior high where I was wronged by teachers and coaches. I try not to let it get the better of me, but sometimes I fail. Sometimes I fail miserably.
Today is my sister's birthday. I should probably call her or send her a card or something, but I'm not going to. It has also been almost exactly 2 years since I last spoke to her. Even more scandalous than that? I don't think I really care.
I can sometimes take frugality to the point of insanity. I will literally spend more money trying to fix something myself than it would cost to replace it. I guess I just like to have the sense of accomplishment, and that can be worth the extra trouble and expense to me.
I have way too many shoes and way too many jackets. When I was little, I had a light jacket, a winter jacket, dress shoes and sneakers. I don't know if I felt that wasn't enough, but I am compelled to buy way more shoes and jackets than I actually need.
One of the only things that I sort of resent about parenthood is the lack of time I have for things that I used to enjoy. I used to have hobbies. Since C was born, my guitar sits gathering dust, I'm lucky to brew 2 or 3 batches of beer per year and I barely take photos of anything but the kids. I realize that the children have sort of become my hobby now, and I love them dearly, but sometimes I miss the things that I used to enjoy doing just for me.
I have officially worn out a treadmill. I hear lots of stories about people whose exercise equipment sits gathering dust. Last week, I literally ran through the deck of ours. If anyone asks how many miles you can get out of a Nordic Track C2000 treadmill, I'd guess it's in the neighborhood of 2360, give or take. Yup. The deck split right in half a mile and a half into my run last Wednesday.
Sometimes I envy people who have aspirations. To clarify, I have NEVER known what I want to be when I grow up. I never had a direction. I never really had goals. When people used to ask what I wanted to be, I replied "Happy." I've got that, but I wonder what it would be like to actually have a clear path in mind, something that I felt I must achieve.
There. That was relatively painless. The other part of this meme is to tag seven people, but I'm not sure I know seven people who haven't already done this, so we'll just pretend that wasn't part of the game. Thanks, Beanie. That was kinda fun!
It was fun to read.
Hey, how 'bout including your girls in your hobbies? Maybe not the brewing (yet), but the guitar?
Anonymous, at Tue Feb 05, 10:31:00 AM
Tried it. C, bless her, has no musical ability that I can discern. She's not all that interested, either. I'm working on A, but with her left-handedness you (especially) can appreciate the difficulty there. She likes to sing when I play, though. We got her a guitar a while back, but she broke the neck on it before I could get it strung right for her. Maybe in time.
ptooey, at Tue Feb 05, 10:43:00 AM
Too many shoes? You must be in touch with your feminine-side shopper. *wink*
Wait. Me too. I just looked out the door: I have those orange quilted shoes, two sets of hiking boots, two other sets of slipons, four pairs of Birkenstocks in various styles and states of repair, and three or four pairs of my favorite New Balance walkers. (I save the old ones for mowing the lawn, but usually wear whatever new ones I have on anyway.) Also the Wellies, as well as two or three pairs of nice shoes in the closet, which I never have reason to wear.
bhd, at Tue Feb 05, 11:10:00 AM
I knew the shoe thing would earn me a dig of some kind.
I have a couple of pairs of Dr. Martens dress shoes that I wear to work, my new(er) running shoes, my old running shoes, my Goretex puddlestomping shoes, my boots, my steel-toed boots, my loafers, my Croc knockoffs, 2 pairs of Chuck Taylor high slippers count?
I'll stop now.
ptooey, at Tue Feb 05, 11:49:00 AM
i miss the "things I used to do" for myself too. and i understand that including my child in my activities would be adventagious, but mostly I spend the time explaining or cleaning up instead of doing my "own" thing.
i don't have enough jackets.
pass the beer.
Mermaid Melanie, at Tue Feb 05, 12:44:00 PM
Oy. I'm two days behind.
You cannot have too many shoes. Or jackets. Or purses for that matter, if anyone is counting.
I miss the stuff I used to do, too. I used to LOVE takng two hours at the gym 3 or 4 times a week. Now? I'm lucky if I can fit in more than 15 minutes walking the dog. I used to love hiking in the woods, too. Luckily, K is getting old enough to go along. But she complains after about 3 miles. ;)
This was fun! Thanks for playing.
Beanie, at Wed Feb 06, 09:09:00 PM
That was a VERY interesting one! Seriously interesting.
Reye’s Syndrome, at Fri May 11, 05:59:00 AM
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