ptooey, he said...

Friday, August 04, 2006

Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam

Ack. The invasion has begun already! I'm going to have to enable word verification. The spamming is pretty well getting out of control. Don't they realize that I'm really NOT interested in the links?

In other news...We're very fortunate that my father in law is a veterinarian. Ten years ago, we adopted a terrier mutt who has had a series of pretty bizarre health problems mostly related to some sort of autoimmune disorder. She's a great dog, but it's been interesting trying to keep her around. On Wednesday, she got carted off to the father in law's for what I think was her 5th or 6th surgery. This time it was to remove a stainless steel suture she had acquired when she had an umbilical hernia repaired as a puppy. The suture had begun to irritate the skin on her belly to the point where it was as thin as tissue paper. Not good. She's back now, and just as happy as can be!

We used the opportunity to drop the kiddos off at my parents' house for a visit. It's a nice break for us, the kids think it's as good as going to Disneyland, and my folks are always asking us to let the kids stay with them. We'll retrieve the little nutcases tomorrow.


  • It's always good when the grandparents take the kiddos, yep.

    As for the spam, Blogger is a major target for spammers, but the word verification is practically painless. Except when you can't read the damn word.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Fri Aug 04, 06:40:00 AM  

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