My Brain is on Vacation or Something
It's not as though I haven't had ideas for blogging, you know. I've had plenty of ideas. I've started posting on why I choose to run for exercise/recreation (recxercise?), the time I got to meet James McMurtry, the funny game C and Lucinda the pug have been playing, the impending holiday season and my wife's inevitable freakout due to it, how I seem to have stopped doing all of my former hobbies, how my boss seems to have forgotten that I exist, the anticipation of possibly receiving cheese as a Christmas gift, weekend plans... Heck, I'd even thought about a post regarding how seemingly harmless childhood or adolescent remarks have caused us all trauma (in reference to a post Alithinks had a bit ago).
But I can't seem to formulate a coherent post. I mean, not even up to MY usual standards, which is sad.
So I'll just sit here and drool on my keyboard for a while, I guess.
Have a good weekend!
But I can't seem to formulate a coherent post. I mean, not even up to MY usual standards, which is sad.
So I'll just sit here and drool on my keyboard for a while, I guess.
Have a good weekend!
I have a pearl necklace you can buy for your wife.
Or yourself. I didn't mean to imply that you're not a cross-dresser. nttawwt.
By bhd, at Fri Dec 08, 10:59:00 AM
I haven't been able to put a cherent post together for a while either.
Stuff pops into my head all the time, and I think that it would make a great post, but by the time I get to a computer, I can't seem to write anything.
By Anonymous, at Fri Dec 08, 02:25:00 PM
remember to wipe up before you leave. no poodles to clean up.. I mean puddles.
this actually seemed pretty coherent to me. but, as we all know, I am afflicted.
By Mermaid Melanie, at Fri Dec 08, 03:44:00 PM
Is it wrong that watching Spongebob makes me hungry for crabby patties?
By Beanie, at Sat Dec 09, 07:09:00 AM
bhd- I'm pretty sure it's out of our price range, but I would look fetching in it.
allan- That's exactly what I'm experiencing. I've started several posts and just stalled out.
mel- That's why I equipped my keyboard with the optional droolguard.
beanie- I could go for some crabby patties right now. With tartar sauce. Mmmmmmm.....
Say, izzat a fake url in your profile, or have you started a blog? It's giving me a 404 for some reason.
By ptooey, at Sat Dec 09, 08:59:00 AM
It's the indication that I thought about starting a blog. I just haven't had time to get it set up and going.
At this rate, look for my first complete entry around 2009.
By Beanie, at Sun Dec 10, 09:20:00 PM
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