Everything is Broken
Our GOT damned fancy-schmancy high efficiency washing machine gave up the ghost last night. The stoopit thing is just a bit over 2 years old, and we've had problems with it from day one. So much so that we sprung for an extended warranty on it. That's the only time we've ever paid for one, and we're going to use it for all it's worth. Looks like the drive motor in the washer quit, so it's on their nickel for now.
The repair dude isn't due to our place until the 4th of March. Yay.
This month has just been loads of fun.
The repair dude isn't due to our place until the 4th of March. Yay.
This month has just been loads of fun.
Didja call the store or the warranty company? With our stoopit fridge, calling the store to complain got a repairman scheduled a whole lot quicker. The warrante company doesn't need your loyalty. The store does. Give 'em the "two small children tons of laundry need to keep my marriage intact" story. Good luck!
bhd, at Wed Feb 20, 02:23:00 PM
Actually, the lady who runs the service/refurb department at the store where we bought the POS gave us the repairman's cell #. Gonna call that here directly.
ptooey, at Thu Feb 21, 07:57:00 AM
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