Freecycle: Now Starting to Scare Me
So, yeah, the one from yesterday was weird. But today?
And then, from the same person, posted roughly 22 hours later:
Wanted: Babysitter
I am looking for someone who babysits I have a 18 mth old and a 5
year old I am looking for a babysitter for my 18 mth old. I am a stay
at home mom but I am returning to work and all I can find is
daycares that are open from 8-5 so that doesnt really give me much time
to work. My Schedule is still in the air but worst comes to worst
it will be 8:45am - 9:00pm, however my husband works 1 month until
5:00pm and the next month until 7:00pm then all over again. So if I
had to work that late my husband would be picking the kids up. I am a
very pick mother though I WILL NOT allow anyone to drive anywhere
with my child I want someone who is going to have a schedule and do
some activities and stay at the daycare site with him. I dont want
him to be in one of those daycares that the kids do whatever they
want and watch T.V. all day. I prefer him to be on the same schedule
everyday example: (breakfast, play, snack, outside, lunch, story,
nap, ect....) I am very nervous about leaving my baby with someone I
need someone honest, dependable and trusting. I dont want ANYTHING
bad to happen to my baby, you hear about those horror things all the
time on the news about how babysitters beat the children or sexually
abuse them or leave them in the car and they die. So SERIOUS INQURES
only please I will also have to go with a process before letting
someone watch him like interveiws, checking things out like living
situations, background like CPR or if you could help him if he was
choking. ect. thanks my name is Cara and I can be reached by email
leave me a number and tell me a little about yourself. I also wouldnt
mind like a nanny (someone that comes to my house to babysit) I feel
the child is more comfortable in their own enviroment) Thanks.
And then, from the same person, posted roughly 22 hours later:
Wanted: Babysitter
Needed A.S.A.P Babysitter for Monday - Saturday 8:00 or 8:30 am to 5:00
or 7:00 pm he is an 18 mth old and on Saturdays I would need my 5 year
old son there too. I need someone responsable and mature. Someone who
will keep my children on a set schedule and not drive anywhere with
them. My 5 year old will be in school then the boys & girls club
monday - friday then be baby sat only on saturday. Please e-mail me
with your info or call me at XXX-2817 my name is Cara thank you.
Cara Jones
Marketing Comminications Manager
Beanie, at Thu Oct 04, 08:08:00 AM
This person is not a naturalized citizen. I wonder if this job is going to pay enough for her daycare either.
whats that got to do with free-cycle anyway?
Mermaid Melanie, at Thu Oct 04, 11:57:00 AM
beanie : One has to wonder, doesn't one?
Mel: I'm not sure where nationality might enter the equation, but I have the same question concerning pay for the prospective daycare provider. I also had the same question regarding how this got to be posted for the Freecycle group. There seem to be a relatively large number of Freecycle members in this community (and, I suspect, other communities as well) who feel that free = charity = desparation. They haven't bothered to familiarize themselves with the concept or intent of Freecycle, which is to reduce landfill usage.
"Say, does anyone have a nanny laying around that they don't want or aren't using right now? I'll be glad to take it off your hands. I'd hate for you to just throw it out."
ptooey, at Thu Oct 04, 01:04:00 PM
Mel, Ptooey: Perhaps she's watched A.I. too many times and she's looking for a Nanny Robot?
Beanie, at Thu Oct 04, 01:54:00 PM
Please be realistic! Most states do NOT allow kids in a daycare more the 8 hours a day, its just not good for the child. SOME tv is ok for kids, and if the provider has a to juggle a schedule due to a sick child or something, you need to be a bit more flexible. If you are this nit picky stay at home.
Anonymous, at Thu Oct 04, 04:06:00 PM
Ummm...hi there, anonymous. LOL You might want to bring yourself up to speed on this here blog before jumping in with comments, but who am I to say?
We'll start with this: I didn't write those requests. ;)
NANNYBOT v2.0 on sale now at a Wal-Mart near you!
ptooey, at Thu Oct 04, 06:07:00 PM
reading IS fundamental.
Mermaid Melanie, at Fri Oct 05, 03:37:00 PM
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