ptooey, he said...

Thursday, September 28, 2006

If it Ain't Broke...

A few years ago, I worked as a Medical Technologist. This is a title given to people who work in medical laboratories who have bachelor's degrees and maintain an accreditation from any of two or three nationally recognized organizations. I'm relatively mechanically inclined and can be pretty handy with a screwdriver and duct tape, so I was often put in charge of maintenance on the machines and with diagnostics on those instruments that were malfunctioning.

I got sent to several training schools and inservices for different machines. One of the most common things that they taught in any of these was that if you replaced a part in the out of order instrument and that part didn't solve the problem, put the old part back in before trying anything different. The strategy here is a good one. You must make sure that you're not introducing a new problem into the system, and the odds that you've got two simultaneous problems are relatively low. I kept this advice with me and followed it whenever performing diagnostics on an instrument. It served me well.

Fast forward a while to my life in corporate America. It has been my experience that large corporations put a lot of time, effort, and money into refining existing processes. Innovation is a very good thing, when you approach it correctly. But I've found that often these improvement projects are taken on by different teams and they're not necessarily coordinated in any way. If one team finds a potential problem area in a specific process, they'll come up with a solution which may not benefit the system as a whole. The lack of coordinated efforts mean that two or more of these teams may work on different processes and completely cancel out any benefit they may have enjoyed from their solutions.

It may be oversimplification, but the credo of the laboratory instrument diagnostician may serve large corporations as well. It might help them to try one thing at a time before moving on to the next step.


I've noticed that a goodly percentage of my readers (like, 2 out of the 4 total) have had some problems posting comments in the last week or two. I've twiddled a couple of knobs in my profile settings that may help. Or not. We'll see.

"Any of you out there with telekinetic powers? Raise my hand."


  • And here I thought you were just holding comments indefinitely.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Thu Sep 28, 10:50:00 AM  

  • Testing...1...2...3...

    Is this thing on?

    It is?


    Looks like it isn't broken, so I guess you didn't fix it then.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Thu Sep 28, 10:59:00 AM  

  • Ali -
    You're not far off. The damned interface somehow toggled comments moderation on, but I couldn't get to the comments to accept them. I knew they were being posted, I just couldn't get to 'em! I turned them off and back on again, and look - I've got comments.


    aAlln...How do you s'pose we can break it up good?

    By Blogger ptooey, at Thu Sep 28, 11:10:00 AM  

  • Sighs. I have worked for many a Fortune Five Corp. and experienced first hand the idle hands theory of "making it better".

    sometimes they work, most times they just manage to fill time with more meetings.

    glad to see that the comments are ALIVE! did you have to raise the platform in a thunderstorm?


    By Blogger Mermaid Melanie, at Fri Sep 29, 11:11:00 AM  

  • I can really leave comments now!?
    it's like Christmas.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Fri Sep 29, 09:19:00 PM  

  • I was leavng comments the entire time.

    But it was rather like eating really bad frozen pizza.

    I mean, technically, it's still pizza and all. But certainly nowhere near as satsfying as a delectable bit of bubbly hot goodness from that place at the corner that's owned by that guy who's like 142 years old and doesn't speak English and... I'm hungry.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Oct 02, 09:20:00 PM  

  • Mel - No platform in a thunderstorm, but I did have to strike it repeatedly about the head and shoulders with a zucchini. It's the only thing the blog will respond to.

    Jrzy - It's exactly like Christmas. Now where are my presents?

    Beanie - That's all fine and good until you burn your mouth because the cheese is too hot. Then you'll end up with that little flap of dead skin hanging down, and you can't quite bring yourself to reach in there and pull the thing off. I hate that.

    By Blogger ptooey, at Tue Oct 03, 04:53:00 AM  

  • See? I kinda like tearing it off. But not as much as I like that feeling when you're using your tongue on the roof of your mouth to rub it back and forth just before it lets go.

    But then, I like when my back peels, too...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tue Oct 03, 04:14:00 PM  

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