Sedaka Clears the Cobwebs
My father likes to tell me that when I was a baby, he would put headphones on me while I was being fed so that I would associate music with good times. I guess it worked. Maybe it worked too well. I have been an avid music fan and wannabe musician for my entire life. Many of my memories are linked somehow to a particular song or album.
When I was very little, we lived in a run-down rental house less than half a block from Main Street in Riverton, Wyoming (it was torn down 6 or 7 years ago.) We moved away from that house shortly after my sister was born, which would have put me at a shade older than two. As one might imagine, I have very few memories of that house.
One day a few years ago, I was listening to the radio and Neil Sedaka's "Laughter in the Rain" came on. For some reason, hearing that song triggered something in the back of my mind, and I could recall the interior of that old house in pretty vivid detail. It was clear enough that I could draw out the floorplan and my dad said that it was correct.
I don't have any idea why that particular song would have done that. It was released after we had moved out of the rental house, but there's some association lurking in the dark recesses of my brain.
Weird, eh?
When I was very little, we lived in a run-down rental house less than half a block from Main Street in Riverton, Wyoming (it was torn down 6 or 7 years ago.) We moved away from that house shortly after my sister was born, which would have put me at a shade older than two. As one might imagine, I have very few memories of that house.
One day a few years ago, I was listening to the radio and Neil Sedaka's "Laughter in the Rain" came on. For some reason, hearing that song triggered something in the back of my mind, and I could recall the interior of that old house in pretty vivid detail. It was clear enough that I could draw out the floorplan and my dad said that it was correct.
I don't have any idea why that particular song would have done that. It was released after we had moved out of the rental house, but there's some association lurking in the dark recesses of my brain.
Weird, eh?
nope. saturday nights allright by elton reminds me of driving in that old green station wagoon that smelled moldy cuz the windows were left down in the rain too many times. funny at that moment i thought, i wish i could play the piano like that guy.
music is lifeblood. or religion. i havent been able to properly define for myself. but i know i can't live without it.
Mermaid Melanie, at Tue Oct 03, 02:06:00 PM
Heehee. Elton!
Benny and the Jets takes me back to my cousin's basement when we were kids. We'd play air hockey and my cousin (she was 13 or so) would sneak cigarettes with her friends and we'd all sing along...
Anonymous, at Tue Oct 03, 04:16:00 PM
Wow. Now if I could just remember what music was playing when I lost my car keys.
bhd, at Tue Oct 03, 04:31:00 PM
Not bizarre at all. Certain songs evoke really vivid feelings and memories for me.
Anonymous, at Wed Oct 04, 08:00:00 AM
Oooh, can we play "Bad Blood" next?
Music does that for me a lot. And I think it probably does that for many of us that are involved with RP... one of the reasons we all love the place so much.
newwavegurly, at Sat Oct 07, 11:51:00 AM
Oh, I don't think the fact that a song triggered a memory is strange at all. That happens all the time. What I think is strange is that the song in question really couldn't have had any relation whatsoever to the house itself.
And I frickin' hate that song.
ptooey, at Mon Oct 09, 09:42:00 AM
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