ADHD Posting
It was 7 degrees this morning. That makes for a brisk start to the day.
It fills me with pride that my oldest daughter can name all three of the Three Stooges on sight.
We took both daughters trick or treating around the neighborhood last night. A got more candy than C (SHHHHH, don't tell). I'm pretty sure this is because of her trouble pronouncing her 'R's. No one can resist the powers of "Twick or tweet."
I visited what used to be my favorite hangout on the web last night. It seems that every time I've done so recently, some random person has started an argument or slung an insult. Last night was no exception. It used to be a place that I frequented due to the attitude of acceptance and positive nature. That atmosphere is eroding, and it saddens me a little.
A will have her front tooth extracted next Wednesday. The pediatric dentist we saw yesterday was much more pleasant than her usual dentist. I believe we're going to try to switch both girls over to see her instead. The new dentist also has a lab tech who makes custom partials, so we can have A fitted for one later if we choose to. The other dentist was recommending we have both of her teeth removed "as a precaution." The new dentist sees no reason to do this.
I'm in a bit of a funk right now. I can't quite explain it. It could be that I was looking forward to my four day weekend so much and now it's gone.
Work is not going well. It's getting a bit scary.
If you haven't seen Marmaduke Explained yet, please give it a look. Then, laugh your @ss off.
It fills me with pride that my oldest daughter can name all three of the Three Stooges on sight.
We took both daughters trick or treating around the neighborhood last night. A got more candy than C (SHHHHH, don't tell). I'm pretty sure this is because of her trouble pronouncing her 'R's. No one can resist the powers of "Twick or tweet."
I visited what used to be my favorite hangout on the web last night. It seems that every time I've done so recently, some random person has started an argument or slung an insult. Last night was no exception. It used to be a place that I frequented due to the attitude of acceptance and positive nature. That atmosphere is eroding, and it saddens me a little.
A will have her front tooth extracted next Wednesday. The pediatric dentist we saw yesterday was much more pleasant than her usual dentist. I believe we're going to try to switch both girls over to see her instead. The new dentist also has a lab tech who makes custom partials, so we can have A fitted for one later if we choose to. The other dentist was recommending we have both of her teeth removed "as a precaution." The new dentist sees no reason to do this.
I'm in a bit of a funk right now. I can't quite explain it. It could be that I was looking forward to my four day weekend so much and now it's gone.
Work is not going well. It's getting a bit scary.
If you haven't seen Marmaduke Explained yet, please give it a look. Then, laugh your @ss off.
Austin Racked in as well. I think its the age and the innocence of the three year olds that make it.
I have not gone to the old hangout in a while. I used to miss it more, but now its like you said, mudslinging, and arguing. I dont have time for that. its sad. very sad.
hope work gets unscary soon, and the funk gets defunked...
Mermaid Melanie, at Thu Nov 02, 11:16:00 AM
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