Another Day, Another Day
My youngest daughter, A, has always been a bit of a klutz. She's a leftie, too, so the world just isn't built right for her. In combination, these two factors have resulted in her having a few accidents. Quite a few accidents.
One of these accidents happened about two years ago, when she was just starting to walk. She fell down on the sidewalk in front of our house and split one of her front teeth right in half. The dentist patched it together as well as he could, but the possibility that she would lose that tooth was always there.
Three weeks ago, she was playing at a friends' birthday party and managed to get smacked in the face with a pogo stick. It happens to kids, you know. The pogo stick loosened the bum tooth, which worried us a bit.
Last week, she fell facefirst onto the ceramic tile floor in our kitchen while running in socks.
Today, she had her first dentist visit in six months. She has a fistula and abscess above the broken tooth, and she may have to have both of her front teeth pulled.
As you might imagine, this has my wife in a bit of a state. I had a genuinely crappy day at work today. Ours is not a happy house this evening.
One of these accidents happened about two years ago, when she was just starting to walk. She fell down on the sidewalk in front of our house and split one of her front teeth right in half. The dentist patched it together as well as he could, but the possibility that she would lose that tooth was always there.
Three weeks ago, she was playing at a friends' birthday party and managed to get smacked in the face with a pogo stick. It happens to kids, you know. The pogo stick loosened the bum tooth, which worried us a bit.
Last week, she fell facefirst onto the ceramic tile floor in our kitchen while running in socks.
Today, she had her first dentist visit in six months. She has a fistula and abscess above the broken tooth, and she may have to have both of her front teeth pulled.
As you might imagine, this has my wife in a bit of a state. I had a genuinely crappy day at work today. Ours is not a happy house this evening.
I'll just send a hug, 'kay?
Anonymous, at Thu Oct 19, 12:09:00 AM
I hope it passes soon. Like immediately. And back to the regularly scheduled calm.
bhd, at Thu Oct 19, 01:57:00 AM
How old is your daughter?
Are these baby teeth or permanent teeth?
If baby teeth, it won't be a big deal for her to lose them. They are going to go anyway.
Anonymous, at Thu Oct 19, 08:53:00 AM
Allan - She'll be 4 in February. Baby teeth, so it's really not that big a deal. Our only concern is for her speech development if she ends up losing both of them.
She's pretty excited about this, actually. Visit from the tooth fairy! Heh.
I'll keep everyone posted. We should hear back from her dentist this morning. We're going to try to get her into see a pediatric dentist for a second opinion.
ptooey, at Thu Oct 19, 10:05:00 AM
:( Boo. Poor little bug. Hope she's OK. ((hug))
Anonymous, at Thu Oct 19, 10:22:00 AM
well, baby teeth are normally lost in year five? is there anyway they could make a little bridge for her?
i guess you will ask all these questions at the dentist. good vibes.
Mermaid Melanie, at Thu Oct 19, 04:49:00 PM
poor A.
poor you.
poor wife.
i'll send a hug, too.
rebecca, at Wed Oct 25, 07:44:00 AM
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