
This is Broomhilda. She crashed into C's basketball pole this week. She used to crash into the tree in our front yard before I cut it down. Before that, she crashed into the tree in front of our house when we lived in Colorado. This is the first time she's paid us a visit in 6 years, and I've missed her.
I love Halloween. It's just a lot more fun than other holidays. It's a great excuse to do silly things like build fake witches, watch dozens of bad monster movies and scare small children.
While we were hanging Broomhilda up Sunday, I jokingly remarked that I hoped she doesn't offend our new neighbors, who have virtually covered the backs of both their vehicles with all manner of Christian paraphernalia. She responded that "We let THEM have Christmas."
now that is great! sighs. halloween is NOT one of my favorite holidays, but have had a heck of a great time at a few parties.
now its time for the kid to be all scared and stuff. i am thinking "pirate" for his first real halloween costume!
Mermaid Melanie, at Wed Oct 04, 01:03:00 PM
Funny, but I really don't get all that into Halloween. I mean, I have one of those plastic pumpkin baskets, and I bring candy in for my students (YAY! College students hopped up on sugar!), but unless I'm invited to a costume party, I don't do much.
Of course I've been invited to one this year... now I just have to come up with a costume.
Oh, and I LOVE Broomhilda.
newwavegurly, at Sat Oct 07, 11:49:00 AM
Mel - I think the last time I went to a Halloween party was probably 15 or 16 years ago. Pirates are always good.
NWG - The funny thing is that I never really get into costumes that much. I think I'm pretty much into Halloween for the silly/macabre decorations.
I'm going to have to do some patching on Broomhilda this week. The wind blew her right leg off Saturday.
ptooey, at Mon Oct 09, 09:37:00 AM
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