Geeklife v1.1
So I survived the weekend.
Truth be told, it was surprisingly pleasant. The weather was nice, the in-laws were relatively well behaved, and no one got sick.
Sunday afternoon, we stopped by my parents' for lunch and a quick visit. While there, my assignment was to find my old skateboard for C. She loves her scooter, and has been wanting to try a skateboard. I failed on my mission. I went through my folks' 30'X60' outbuilding from top to bottom, but I couldn't find the board.
I found something better!
I opened a plastic bin and found my old Nintendo! When my dad saw how excited I was, he said "We still have your brother's too." So, I now have two old, classic NES, complete with controllers and a wide assortment of games. I tried them both out last night, and they still work. My wife and I spent an hour playing Punch Out, Tiny Toon Adventures, and 1943. Too damned cool.
Oh, and I now have 11 pumpkins sitting in our basement. The van was a bit cramped on the trip back.
I can't wait to see what you do with those pumpkins.
By Allan, at Mon Oct 16, 05:30:00 PM
11 pumpkins? hm... is that the magic number? curious... take pix once you get them carved up! :jump:
i never played nintendo... how sad for me.
By Mermaid Melanie, at Mon Oct 16, 08:44:00 PM
OMG! With the original controllers and everything!
I still like Pong. I can't help it. ;)
And I'm also looking forward to seeing what you and your magic knife accomplish with those 11 pumpkins...
By Anonymous, at Tue Oct 17, 09:05:00 AM
Allan - I have a few patterns picked out. I think they'll be cool!
Mel - We bought some pumpkins for friends as well. We had 14 of them in the minivan. Eleven was the magic number because I could only fit 11 in for myself.
Beth - Yup. 3 original NES controllers (one of which I had to repair way back when, so the cord is wrapped in black electrical tape) AND an NES Advantage joystick!
I love Pong. We used to have a television that had a built-in Pong game.
By ptooey, at Tue Oct 17, 09:50:00 AM
First, I can't wait to see how you carve this year's pumpkins.
Second, what a score from the 'rents! Just be careful, remember how addicted we got to all of those games when we were younger...
By newwavegurly, at Mon Oct 23, 08:46:00 AM
NWG - I'm starting to get itchy about those pumpkins. I need to track down my X-acto knife.
I find I can only play the Nintendo for about half an hour before my thumb falls off.
By ptooey, at Mon Oct 23, 02:51:00 PM
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