Said a Give
A had her tooth extracted yesterday. The procedure went quickly and smoothly. I asked her last night whether it felt better or worse with the tooth gone, and she didn't hesitate a moment before saying it hurt a lot less now.
My wife found her a special T-shirt to wear to the dentist's office. It has a stick figure tripping and falling, with the caption "I do all my own stunts." It was a hit with everyone at the office, and I can't think of anything more appropriate for her to wear. We should buy her several of them.
One thing we did find out was that she is a mean drunk. Prior to the procedure, she was given Versed, and then waited a few minutes before being taken back to the chair for the extraction.
My wife waited in the waiting room. A little boy about A's age who had also been sedated was brought out after his procedure. He was full of love. He told the nurse that he loved her. He told the receptionist that he loved her. He told his parents that he loved them.
A was brought out just a few minutes later. She threw punches. She bit. She was belligerent.
My wife brought her home, and tried to keep her occupied while the sedative wore off. While lying in bed, she looked up, bleary-eyed, at my wife and said "YOU HAVE 4 NOSE-HOLES!!!" Then she stuck her finger up Mom's nose as she counted. "1...2...3....4!!!"
She was quickly shoved away after she said "YOU HAVE THREE EYES!!!"
My wife found her a special T-shirt to wear to the dentist's office. It has a stick figure tripping and falling, with the caption "I do all my own stunts." It was a hit with everyone at the office, and I can't think of anything more appropriate for her to wear. We should buy her several of them.
One thing we did find out was that she is a mean drunk. Prior to the procedure, she was given Versed, and then waited a few minutes before being taken back to the chair for the extraction.
My wife waited in the waiting room. A little boy about A's age who had also been sedated was brought out after his procedure. He was full of love. He told the nurse that he loved her. He told the receptionist that he loved her. He told his parents that he loved them.
A was brought out just a few minutes later. She threw punches. She bit. She was belligerent.
My wife brought her home, and tried to keep her occupied while the sedative wore off. While lying in bed, she looked up, bleary-eyed, at my wife and said "YOU HAVE 4 NOSE-HOLES!!!" Then she stuck her finger up Mom's nose as she counted. "1...2...3....4!!!"
She was quickly shoved away after she said "YOU HAVE THREE EYES!!!"
a mean drunk...hilarious! i love the Tshirt saying. Maybe i will get one for my toddler.
Where did you find it?
Mermaid Melanie, at Thu Nov 09, 02:41:00 PM
My husband and I spent Saturday night (after a couple drinks) saying "You have four nose holes!" lol
Beanie, at Mon Nov 13, 09:52:00 AM
BeanBeanie: It's a very dangerous game. To do it right means that you must jab your finger up the nosehole as you count. The drinks only up the danger factor that much more.
Mel: The t-shirt came from Target.
ptooey, at Mon Nov 13, 11:49:00 AM
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