Rapid-Fire Weekend Recap
- Most amusing moment: Saturday evening, I helped my cousin's husband tack up some PRIVATE PROPERTY - NO TRESPASSING signs around the perimeter of their property to deter hunters and their errant cigarettes. He decided that it would be a good idea to introduce himself to the owner of the cabin adjacent to their property and let them know what he was up to. We walked up to the door of the cabin - with beers in hand - and came face to face with the 81 year old property owner who introduced himself as an Elder in the Mormon church. First impressions are key.
- It took me over an hour and a half to wash all the filth off of my truck yesterday.
- While we were away, new neighbors moved into the house across the street from us. I am not impressed. They spent the entire time I was washing my truck yelling at each other or their kids. Last night I looked out the window and saw the father sitting in a lawnchair in the driveway, smoking a cigarette. His extremely overweight daughter (who looks to be about 10 years old) was playing in the front yard in a bikini. I'm pretty sure they put the trash in white trash. We'll see.